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Organic Heirloom Tall Top Early Wonder Beet Seeds

Organic Heirloom Tall Top Early Wonder Beet Seeds

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Organic Heirloom Tall Top Early Wonder Beet Seeds (20)

Great for greens and beetroots.

Early Wonder is harvested in bunches with large, vigorous tops attached to the young beets. Tall, bright, glossy green, red-veined tops and slightly flattened red roots. Excellent foliar disease resistance for reliably clean bunches.
Product Description:
45 days. Early Wonder Tall Top is our most popular beet. Adaptable to all seasons, it forms 3–4 inch, deep red globes with tall, glossy leaves that make choice, tasty greens. A good all-around beet that also pickles well. Perfect for early spring planting, exhibiting vigorous growth in cool soils. Its staggered maturity allows an extended harvest from a single sowing.

Soil Temp for Germ 50–75°F
Seed Depth ½"
Seed Spacing 1"
Days to Emergence 5–17
Thin Plants to 3–4"
Row Spacing 12–16"
Fertilizer Needs Medium
Minimum Germination 75%
Seeds per Gram ≈ 30–75
Seed Life 2 years
Beta vulgaris This wholesome vegetable is doubly heart-healthy. The sweet, delicious roots contain high levels of glycine betaine. This phytochemical compound fights platelet clots and plaque formation in the arteries. Along with a wealth of potassium, calcium and vitamin A, hearty beet greens are rich in fiber, which may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.Days to maturity are calculated from date of direct seeding.

• Beets perform best in fertile, evenly moist soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0
• Uniform soil moisture is essential
• Sudden changes in temperature or soil moisture will increase zoning (ring formation in the root) and lead to premature bolting
• Transplanting not recommended as it can damage the tap root

Direct Sowing
• At the bottom of the furrow band 1 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5-10 row feet
• Cover seeds with sifted compost, loose soil, or vermiculite and water evenly
• Use row cover when soil temperatures are cool and to protect from pests
• Sow June—August for a fall crop

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Leaf miners, flea beetles, and leaf hoppers
• Insect control: Pick off affected leaves and check for eggs—if found, spray with Neem oil
• Common diseases: Scab
• Disease prevention: Neutral pH (7.0), 3-4 year crop rotation, keep adequately watered
• Common pests: Mice, voles, and gophers
• Pest control: Traps or underground screens

Harvest & Storage
• Harvest when roots reach desired size; small roots are tender, large roots may become woody if left in the ground too long
• Leaves can be used as pot greens or in salads
• Trim tops and store at 36°F and 95% relative humidity

Fall & Winter Harvest
• Beets should be harvested before temperatures drop to the 15-20°F range
• If you are in a temperate climate, and your soil is well drained, your best location for root storage is in the garden under a protective layer of straw

HR indicates high resistance.
IR indicates intermediate resistance.
BLS | Bacterial Leaf Spot

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