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Heirloom Organic Sage Seeds Aka Salvia Officinalis Medicinal Herbs, Garden Sage, Smudging, Green Sage, Common Sage, Smudge sticks

Heirloom Organic Sage Seeds Aka Salvia Officinalis Medicinal Herbs, Garden Sage, Smudging, Green Sage, Common Sage, Smudge sticks

Regular price £4.00 GBP
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Sage Seeds (15)

Sage is a staple herb in various cuisines around the world.

Sage has a strong aroma and earthy flavor, which is why it’s typically used in small amounts. Even so, it’s packed with a variety of important nutrients and compounds.

Sage is also used as a natural cleaning agent, pesticide and ritual object in spiritual sage burning or smudging.


Sage Uses Today
In addition to its medicinal properties, sage has been proven to be a natural antiseptic and preservative for meat. When sage is made into a drink from the leaves, called the "thinker's tea," it has shown promise in treating Alzheimer's patients, as well as treating symptoms of depression. 

In addition, sage can be used externally for your hair, skin, and nails. Used as a rinse, it is said to improve the texture and tone of hair, as well as leave a nice shine. Sage steeped in water can also be used as a facial toner that controls oily skin. Tea tree oil, basil oil, sage oil, and arrowroot have been found to help vent and treat fungal infection in toenails.


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