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Heirloom Organic Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds

Heirloom Organic Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds

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Heirloom Organic Clemson Spineless Okra Seeds (10)

HEIRLOOM. The most popular okra on the market.

Full Description

Latin Name: Abelmoschus esculentus

This 1939 All-America Selections winner. A favorite of American gardeners for over 80 years, vigorous 4' plants produce an abounding harvest of spineless dark-green, grooved pods. Okra adds body and flavor to soups, stews, and relishes, and can be grilled, braised, steamed, and sautéed. Garden Hint: Soak seed in warm water overnight to speed germination. Pick pods when young at 2½–3" long.

Clemson spineless is the most popular variety of okra on the market! The vigorous 5-foot plants produce uniform, straight pods that are spineless, making harvest easier! It can be served fried, cooked, or pickled. This variety is very prolific and high yielding, maturing in about 55 days.As the name suggests, Clemson Spineless okra was developed by the horticultural research department of Clemson University in South Carolina. Introduced in 1939, Clemson okra immediately won an AAS award in that same year. Originally, okra comes from northern Africa, where it still grows wild. This unusual member of the hibiscus family still has an important part in African and Mediterranean cuisine, as well as being a culinary tradition in the American South. Check out our selection of okra vegetable seeds that we have to offer.

sowing: Okra loves heat, so gardeners with short growing seasons may need to start their Clemson Spineless okra seeds indoors; plan to set them out 3-4 weeks after the last frost. Before planting the seeds, soak them overnight to encourage faster germination. Plant 2-3 seeds in one peat pot, and keep them at 80-90 degrees F until germination; thin to the strongest plant by cutting off the rest. When the air temperature reaches a consistent 60 degrees F, plant the seedlings in full sun 12-15" apart in rows 3' apart. For direct sowing in warmer climates, sow Clemson Spineless okra seeds 3/4" deep and later thin the plants to 12-15" apart.Growing: When the seedlings reach a height of 4", apply mulch to conserve moisture and control weeds. Keep the plants moist during dry weather. In cooler climates, it may be necessary to apply black plastic or provide row covers for adequate heat.Harvesting: Clemson Spineless okra should be harvested at 3" for best taste and tenderness. This variety is spineless for a painless harvest.Seed Saving: When saving seed from okra, keep mind mind that it will cross pollinate with other varieties of okra and should be separated from them. Allow the pods to fully mature, and cut them off after they turn brown; if they begin to split, cut them immediately to prevent seed loss. Twisting the pods or putting them in a bag and applying pressure should remove the seed. Spread Clemson Spineless okra seeds out to dry for a week, then store in a cool dry place for up to 2-3 years.

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